The Pasco School District consists of thirteen elementary schools, including Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School, and Mark Twin Elementary School; three middle schools, including Issac Stevens Elementary School; and three high schools, including New Horizons High School, and Pasco High School. The Pasco School District has become known for the many opportunities that it provides for its students, not only in the classroom, but through the many programs, and activities that are run outside of the classroom. These activities such as marching band, sports teams, co-operative and internship opportunities have provided the students of the Pasco School District with unique educational opportunities and enhanced the quality of student life throughout the schools.
Honors and Awards Received
Over the years, the Pasco School District has been the recipient of many honors and awards. The Pasco High School Band was awarded top honors at the Harvest Marching Festival Band Competition; In 2006, the Pasco School District was the recipient of the Washington State School Directors’ Association Diversity Award for it’s outstanding multicultural education in both the schools and the Pasco and area community; McGee Elementary School and Livingston Elementary Schools have also won several awards for their music programs and marching bands. Many of the athletic programs throughout the Pasco School District have also gained recognition for their achievements over the years, with many of the districts basketball, and football teams being recognized for both their excellent coaching and players.